Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is an irreversible nerve condition suffered by many people with diabetes. Patients with diabetes have an abnormal acceleration of their blood sugar. This condition could be caused by: the body resisting insulin, producing too little insulin, or both. As a result of the high blood glucose levels, nerve damage can occur.
At the start of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a patient would experience pain and a tingling sensation. After time, the patient loses his or her ability to sense the difference between such things as hot and cold, and sharp and dull. Some patients describe a burning feeling in their feet, or feel as though they are wearing socks when they are not. As the condition continues to progress, the feet will eventually become numb.
Neuropathy is normally divided into acute forms, which usually occur within the first three years of diagnosis and chronic forms, which occur after an average of eight to nine years.
Maintaining normal blood glucose levels can help slow the advancement of the condition.
The development of skin ulcerations and infections on a patient with diabetes can be caused by any number of things. Areas on the foot where there are corns and calluses are of concern because of the friction caused when wearing shoes. Ingrown toenails can also be very dangerous to a diabetic because they can progress into infections. For this reason, it is recommended that a foot doctor trim toenails. This will decrease the risk of accidentally cutting the skin around the nail and not knowing it.
Those who suffer from neuropathy must be sure to thoroughly inspect their feet, or have someone else do it -on a daily basis. They should also avoid soaking their feet in hot water, (this could burn the skin), and walking around without shoes.
The doctors at Dr. Horsley's Foot and Ankle Care are specially trained to treat, and carry out procedures for patients with diabetic foot injuries.If you are experiencing any of the symptoms addressed, we strongly recommend that you seek the advice of your podiatrist for proper diagnosis.