Pain Relief

Happy Easter!

This is the time of year for new suits, brimmed hats, and new shoes, but be warned -with new shoes can bring new pain. To deal with this pain,most people go straight to the medicine cabinet and grab a pain reliever. In this article we will educate you on pain relievers. Do we really know howpain relievers work? What's the difference between NSAIDs and Acetominaphen? Can everyone take pain relievers? When should I not take pain relievers? Get ready for some fascinating facts.

Aspirin and ibuprofen are NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs). NSAIDs relieve pain but are known for their ability to decrease swelling. Not all pain medications are created equally. Let's start with the very familiar drug, Aspirin.Aspirin is sold under many names, the most common being Bayer. Aspirin is absorbed in about 1-2 hours after being taken. Aspirin's indicated use is for mild to moderate muscular, arthritis, and dental pain. Aspirin should be taken with food. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN FOR STOMACH PAIN! Why? Large amounts of aspirin can damage the stomach lining resulting in an ulcer.

Aspirin is most famously known for REDUCING FEVER. We can use aspirin as a therapeutic drug. It is recommended that patients with risk of heart attack take 325 mg every other day. This decreases the chance of heart attack by 40% by decreasing platelet aggregation. Long-term usage at low dosages have also been shown to lower the incidence of colon cancer. So who shouldn't take aspirin? Pregnant women and hemophilic patients should stay clear of aspirin. The most common ibuprofens are Advil and Motrin. Patients over 60 are not advised to take NSAIDsdue to its ability to accumulate in the kidney and cause nephrotoxicity. A common side effect of taking too much NSAID is ringing in the ear,which is known as tinnitus. This is reversible when the drug is stopped.

Everyone is familiar with Acetaminophen. Maybe I should have said the more common name, Tylenol. Tylenol is not an NSAID. It is primarily responsible for pain relief. It has little effect on inflammation. Tylenol can be taken orally and works in about 30-60 minutes. As with any drug, Tylenol may upset the stomach. It is possible to take too much acetaminophen and damage the kidney. This is what helps pass the drug through the body. Tylenol's primary usage is for headaches and fever.

I know that this article has enlightened you to the differences of medications. Please remember, before you take any medicine, to consult your doctor. Be mindful of your feet while picking out those new Easter shoes. Remember, if you are good to them, they will provide you a lifetime of happiness.